Sunday morning I woke up from a truckload of dreams, with one in particular to ponder and pray over. It had to do with terrorists hijacking planes and Jon and I witnessing the scene and a whole lot more. I think it might have to do with Jon and I, Jon in particular, taking our roles more seriously in praying for the church body as a whole. It felt serious and seriously dangerous, and though I like living in the land of sunshine and lollypops, I think it's time to be more intentional and humble about what we've been made for. We're not here to live for ourselves only.
That dream aside, what occupies my mind just as much is this: that same morning as I was trying to gather energy to get up, in full awakeness but with eyes closed, I suddenly had a non-sleeping dream where I saw a girl I know walk by me. There were others around, but we made eye contact for a few moments. She looked weary and drawn, unhealthily skinny and burdened. I spent the morning praying for this person's emotional and spiritual nourishment. For robustness. For strength and vitality. A few hours later I saw this person walk into church, wearing the exact thing she wore in my dream. It took me a minute to clue into that little tidbit, the outfit factor. I figured this meant it was an immediate need, it had to do with right now.
It all makes me realize for the hundredth time just how much God so tenderly cares for us, that he would show someone else, maybe someone not even close to that person, that this person needs prayer. God knows I sincerely care for this person. He also knows this person's sorrows, their burdens, whether temporary, or long-term, and he wants her to be supported with prayer. He wants that for every single one of us.
How often do we miss the message, and leave someone without support? How often have I myself failed to take the hint?
Jesus on Tithing
Many have dissected, outlined, and debated the words and actions
surrounding Jesus on tithing over the centuries. This article will answer
many of the co...
what an awesome gift you were given...
keep up the good work!
i love you my daughter!
i'm not special, everybody is gifted in their own unique way, i'm just a flawed human hoping not to miss the signs of how i can help in a small way.
love you too!!
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