...ancient words of new wisdom live, breathe
as i am born to become a living poem...

Monday, January 5, 2009


This weekend I gained a new niece. Her funeral is this afternoon. She was lost to pre-eclampsia. It was caught too late. My brother's wife had to deliver their daughter 2 days after she had died. She was due next month. They've had a few miscarriages. This was their first pregnancy that endured. Their first hopeful child.

All of my family live 2 provinces away, so I didn't even get to see Marissa pregnant. Marissa and I have never really had a chance to get to know each other very well, because of the distance. For me it kinda seems surreal, but I feel the loss and I can't believe it. Especially when I heard how they got to hold her for over an hour after delivery. I can't even imagine how overwhelmingly painful that would be.

I think of my brother who has muscular-dystrophy. Why was this added to his pain?

My sister took some black and white photos of her, looking as if she's sleeping. I haven't been able to bring myself to open the e-mail yet.

They named her Bella. She is, and always will be my seventh niece. Some day I'll meet her. Up there.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Heidi. I really feel for your brother and his wife. I can't imagine the pain they are going through. I'll be praying for them.

Heidi said...

Thanks Lyn. I appreciate any prayers anyone can spare for them.

Heidi Renee said...

Oh Heidi, I am so sorry. Praying here too.

onelittlemustardseed said...

These types of tragedies make no sense at all. I will continue to pray.

Anonymous said...

my prayers are with your family... I have no words, but I share my tears...

Heidi said...

Thanks Heidi R, OMS, and sarabee. I do so value your prayers, and I know they help.

Thanks. :)

Sensuous Wife said...

Oh my word. I am so sorry.

Heidi said...

Thanks SW.